In class, I have discussed the criteria that can be used to evaluate listening instruction websites with Erin, Guanya and Marianna. Based on our discussion, the following criteria have been set up:
1. Fit between the content of the website and the teaching objectives. For example, The website "Tedtalks" can be used by learners to prepare for their IELTS and TOEFL tests.
2. Transcripts. For the beginner or intermediate level students, the videos with transcripts can help them to do a dictation exercise and go back to check their missing areas.
3. Register and genre. Since there are a lot of videos on the website, it is very important for teachers to find proper videos for their students, therefore, the register and genre of the videos should be considered.
4.Easy to access. If the website is easy to access, for example, if the learners need to spend time to register or not. Or if the websites can be easily access.
5. Creativity. If the students can make their own video can publish.
Based on the criteria we set up, we all agree that youtube is good website for students to practice their listening skills.
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